Embodied Jewish Wisdom Network
Membership Sliding Scale Considerations

Please read the below options and feel into which choice is best for you.  We also offer a monthly payment plan option / additional financial aid upon request.

Double Chai Membership

Annual $360 / *Monthly $36

I comfortably meet my needs.
I have access to healthcare.
I have access to resources via family.
I have money in savings.
I take regular trips without financial burden.

This plan meets me where I am.

*Please reach out to Meg if you wish to arrange monthly payment plan: meg@embodiedjewishlearning.org.

Every year
Every month

If you are able to pay more than $360, donate below and those gifts will be allocated to our scholarship fund and allows for resource sharing within our community.

Chai Membership

Annual $180 / *Monthly $18

I occasionally stress about meeting my needs, but generally am able to.
I am housing and food secure.
I have consistent and reliable work.
I have student loan or other debt that I can financially manage.
I take occasional trips with minimal burden.

This plan meets me where I am.

*Please reach out to Meg if you wish to arrange monthly payment plan: meg@embodiedjewishlearning.org.

Click the right ‘YEARLY’ button for $180.

Every year
Every month

Financial Aid / Scholarships available

Societal systems have been set up so that I do not have equal opportunity and access to resources in my life.
I have been discriminated against regarding my pay and hiring eligibility because of race, gender, sexuality, or disability.
I have difficulty meeting my needs.
I am at times housing, food, and/or job insecure.
I do not have access to healthcare and/or am facing a health crisis.
I have difficulty paying off my student loan debt.

This plan meets me where I am.

If you are a student and/or otherwise financially challenged and need to request a rate less than $180 per year, please fill out the brief form below and reach out to julie@embodiedjewishlearning.org.